On the RF Scanner (EazyScan) buttons will always be grey but on a PC running EazyTouch or on an Android device we can make buttons Green or Red as below


Screen showing Coloured Function Area Buttons



Defining Coloured Buttons


When defining a function area, simply select a stored procedure next to the Colour Button option. The details of this stored procedure (see below) will allow the button to change colour. It is recommended to use a stored procedure name that closely matches the function area name. For example if the Function Area is called 'Product Receiving', the stored procedure should be called 'usp_ProductReceiving-ButtonColour'.


Option to select to Colour function area buttons



The stored procedure for this is passed no parameters. It has to return one of three options:

Good = Green

Bad = Red

Anything else = Grey


For example, to make the button permanently green, simply do the following


Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_ProductReceiving-ButtonColour]



Select 'Good'



The stored procedures to change button colours run on the same timer interval as the EazyTouch banners to refresh the colours. This timer is set in EazySetup