Control Panel is accessed by doing the following:

Ø  Click on the Start logo in the task bar.

Ø  Click on Settings.

Ø  Click on Control Panel.


This is shown on the following image.

Control Panel


Power Settings   

Double click on ‘Power’.



                    Select Power Settings


Under the ‘Schemes’ tab, Set the settings as shown below and click ‘OK’:


Power Settings

Scanner Settings   


In the Control Panel look for Data Collection


Data Collection Form


Under the ‘Data Options’ tab, click on ‘Symbology Settings’.


Symbology Settings


Check the Suffix and type in ^M. Click ‘OK’. This is to make the scanner auto enter after each successful scan.


Auto Return after Scan

Date and Time Settings

Double click on the time in the task bar.

Set the date, the time and the time zone.

Date and Time Settings