These notes are intended for people with a good knowledge of SQL and also a good understanding of the TransLution database. The information is not intended for general users of the software

General Grid Audit Trail

There is a specific table which is used to store the changes made to data in a General Grid view. The IDs passed to the VB provider code are the IDs from this table and NOT the IDs from the initial view. The table to us is GENERAL_GRID_AUDIT_TRAIL


The first six columns in the table are fixed in terms of value and meaning:


Row ID = this is the id of the row in the view

View Name = the view name that was displayed

Function Area ID = the function area that was running when the button was clicked

Audit App User ID = user

Audit Time = time


The data in the other rows depends on the data in the view. There are 20 groups of columns which effectively means that the view should be limited to 20 columns. This contains the name of each column in the view in sequence. Then there are a number of columns per group - Decimal, Varchar, Int, Datetime and Bit. The data from the view is written into the relevant column dependent on the data type. So, if there is an integer value in the view (for example number of labels to print) then this will be recorded in the Integer column.


This does mean that when using the data in this table, it is necessary to know what the original view or function area looked like which is why the view name is stored as part of the audit trail.


Using the General Grid to Print Labels

We previously used our label printing application to print labels for a given purchase order or other document. Using the TL selector overlay allows this to be done using a touch screen but requires two steps to select the PO and see the PO lines. The General Grid now does this in one step.

Create two views - one looking at PO Header information and the other looking at PO Line data. Set up a function area to use the General Grid and point t these views. This is described in the General Grid setup section of the on line help.

Set it up to have 1 modifiable column and use this to enter the number of labels to print.


Important Note

The first column of the General Grid view MUST be a unique ID column. Often when reading data from Syspro (e.g. PO or SO data), there is no ID. It is recommended to use the PO number PLUS line number as the ID in these cases.

In cases where the view looks at only one document at a time, instead of looking at the document number as the ID field, use the line number.