This panel has been developed specifically to post multiple lines that may have been scanned at different times into a single posting to Syspro. The user sees two grid, the top shows header items for example purchase Order headers and the lower one shows line details as below.


General Grid Overlay





Filtering Rows

You can filter rows by clicking on the arrow in the header or any row. If for example we choose to filter by supplier, this window would appear. Users can then select one or more suppliers to filter from and use the search box if they know the supplier name they are looking for.


Supplier Filter


Sorting Data

Clicking anywhere in the header of a column will toggle the sort from ascending to descending


Grouping Data

Only detail lines can be grouped. As instructed, grab any column header and drag it to the row above for grouping.


Refreshing Data

There are two refresh buttons on the form. The lower button refreshes the lower grid only. This refresh does not reset filters or grouping. The upper refresh button refreshes the upper grid and does reset filters.


Selecting Data

Users can click in any field on any grid to select that data and copy it.