Release Date 29 Aug 2016


Release Summary

There are a number of significant enhancements in TransLution 4.10. We have added new forms to make Quality Manager setups easier to do, we have added a new Step Type for Data Logging and we have added a new overlay for complex functions - this is based on the previously built Load Planning application. Each of these is described below in addition to a number of smaller enhancements and bug fixes.


Quality Manager Forms

There have been three new forms added to Quality Manager. Users can now define Products and Product Categories, Test Methods and Test Method Categories and Process names on forms built for this function and there is no longer a need to use Master Data Maintenance for this.


Log Data Step Type

There has been a new step type added called Log Data. This allows users to select which step values to map to a database table and selected column. As the user scans, this data is logged (similar to the Transpose function on function area setups). This has been enhanced from the Transpose feaure so that if there are loops on the step sequence, there are no holes in the logged data. Only one log data step is supported per step function.


Custom Layer Overlay

We had a custom application called Load Planner which allowed users to define multiple views to view data in different ways and VBP buttons to act on this data. Example of use are viewing sales order and creating loads for shipment or viewing sales order lines and selecting specific lines to add to pick slips. This has now been added to the core product as a new overlay type called Custom Layer


Standard Validations

We have added the ability to add standard validations to steps. Multiple standard validations can be added allowing users to pick from a library of validations. The intention is to make TransLution quicker and easier to configure.



Other Enhancements and Bug Fixes

We have made various changes to improves the implementation and end user experience

  • On the EazyTouch form, in addition to showing the active user and database, we now also show the selected Overlay. For sequential prompt functions this information was always visible on the EazyTouch form and now it is visible for overlays as well.
  • The Save button on Quality Manager has been enhanced to record the expected results for the sample at the time of saving the results. This is useful is the expected results change over time to be able to know what they were at the time of saving the sample result.
  • Fixed the issue that when skipping to a default value that was selected to be visible, the default was not showing
  • Fixed the issue on deactivating steps and losing the next step definition.
  • Enhancements made to the Time Logging overlay to validate the Works Order Number, Works Order Status and if the Employee has permission to work on the job based on their department.
  • Fixed the issue that if a step name was used in more than one place, changing it in one place would change it anywhere
  • When moving steps up and down, changes in sequence are properly saved.
  • Support added to the ERP Service for QUERY type business objects.
  • Fixed the issue when leaving a prompt arrived at via skip the Suggestion Prompt did not run or Default Value that was supposed to be shown, did not show.
  • On EazyScan, with some device models, the company name dropdown was being cut off. This has been fixed
  • On EazyScan the Delete Job Data button has been removed, there is no longer a need for it. The Check Network button was also not being used and has been removed.
  • We have added an Autologoff feature to EazyScan to log users off after a defined period of inactivity
  • There was a problem on EazyScan that if a user had been logged off by the administrator the logon button was not enabled. This has been fixed.