Knowing which is the Active Function Area

These notes are intended for people with a good knowledge of SQL and also a good understanding of the TransLution database. The information is not intended for general users of the software

TransLution Function Areas

It is often useful to know which function area is active on a given device. This is particularly true if banners are required to show function area specific information.


For function areas that use job scanning, this information has been available via the Job Line but for overlay type function areas it has been harder to find this out. In 3.61 TransLution released a new feature where the last selected function area (and workflow) on every device is logged. This is done in the table TOUCH_FUNCTION_AUDIT. An extract is shown below.

If the user sorts by ID (or Time) DESC, then the last selected function area or wokflow for a given device is easily determined.


Touch Function Audit table


If the Workflow ID is not zero then the user selected a workflow otherwise they selected a function area.

If both Workflow ID and Function Area ID are zero then the user exited the workflow and function area and now has nothing active.