In most cases calling a Subroutine from a General Grid works in the same way as calling a Subroutine from a TL Selector grid. There is however one important addition. Seeing as a general grid consists of two grids, you can choose whether to act on the selected header row (of which there is only one) or the selected lines for a given header. When the mapping form is opened on a general grid then it looks a little different to that of a TL Selector.

SR Parameter Mapping on a General Grid

Note that you have the option to choose which grid to act on - Header or Detail. The option you choose will then update the available grid view columns to show the columns from either the header view or the detail view.


From this point the setup works in exactly the same way as before. There is no difference to the user but the button they click will either act on the selected header or the selected lines. This is particularly useful when you want to act on all the lines regardless of what the user has selected - acting on the header will give you the ability to find all lines related to the selected header and act on all of them at once.