Report Layouts for the Print step are not defined on the step maintenance form. This is done using the Flow Step Report Maintenance form which is reached as shown below.

The reports that are defined here are the reports that have been built using the Visual Studio Report Builder. This step is to allow TransLution to be able to find the reports to be printed using the print step.


Menu to Define Report Details

On selecting the menu option, the form below is shown

·       Report Name is the name of the report in SSRS

·       Report Path is the path configured in SSRS (NB do not omit the / at the end. e.g. /ReportFolderName/)

·       Parameters will be what is configured in the reports.

Note the option to define a report as Portrait or Landscape


Defining a new report





Users can now either add a new Report or select an existing report and choose to edit it.