In order to manage multiple versions of the same function area we need to be able to group all the same functions into a single set so that they can be viewed together in order to make the process of managing these sets easier.


The Function Area definition form is shown below. Note the Version Control button.


Function Step Definition Form


Selecting the version control buttons opens the form below


Function Area Version Control Form



The Function Area Group option is not specifically a versioning issue. This allows all functions for a single business process to be added to the same group so that when the function area maintenance form is extended, it will be possible to view and manage functions per group. This form is covered in the section Maintaining Function Area Groups


We use the term 'set' to link the different versions of the same function area. They should all have the same description so that they look the same to the end user but they can have a different version and must of course have a different name. The Version Notes field is a free form field that allows for an explanation as to why the new version is required. The set maintenance form can be accessed from the main TransLution menu using Application Control - Function Area Setup - Function Area Set or directly by clicking on the ellipses next to the set. For more details see Maintaining Function Area Sets