TransLution uses the WCF service for Communications to various clients including Android, EazyScan and EazyTouch.


When installing TransLution, the WCF service requires the exe.config file to be edited as follows:


Configuring the WCF Service

Base Address: This is where you specify the name of the server where the WCF service is installed.


SQL Server: This is where you specify the name of the SQL server where your common database is installed. The file allows for any SQLUser to be used that can log onto the database but it is very strongly recommended to use the TRANSLUTION users. In this case then there is no password required.


This is all that is required when setting up the WCF Service. However if there are problems then TransLution tech support may ask you to enable logging. This is done by editing this file as follows and then restarting the WCF service.


Changes need to be made in 3 places. Below we show the default install values and below that the new required values.

Line number 5

Default: <source propagateActivity="true" name="System.ServiceModel" switchValue="Off">

To enable logging: <source propagateActivity="true" name="System.ServiceModel" switchValue="Warning,ActivityTracing">

Line number 15

Default: <source name="System.ServiceModel.MessageLogging" switchValue="Off">

To enable logging: <source name="System.ServiceModel.MessageLogging" switchValue="Warning,ActivityTracing">

Line number 42

Default: <messageLogging logMalformedMessages="False" logMessagesAtTransportLevel="False" />

To enable logging: <messageLogging logMalformedMessages="true" logMessagesAtTransportLevel="true" />


The log files are written to the C:\Temp folder