Decision Step
A decision step is used to determine the next step based on the result of a decision. Both custom and standard decisions are supported. This is similar to GOTO logic in custom stored procedures and should reduce the need for stored procedures performing this logic.
Decision Step Definition
The fields are described below:
Step Name - reference used when building the step and defining the step sequence. For example WHouse
Step Description - This is a more detailed description of the step of required.
True Step - This is the step that the user will be taken to if the condition is True
False Step - This is the step that the user will be taken to if the condition is False
In this example, after scanning the warehouse, we use a conditional step to determine if bins are enabled for that warehouse. If Bins are Enabled then the user will go to the Bin step. If bins are not enabled for the warehouse, the process will bypass the Bin prompt and allow the user to scan the Stock Code directly.
Conditions for Decisions are defined on the Map button as shown below.
Mapping Form