File Create Step
A Create File step create a file of the selected format in the selected folder. Currently supported File formats are CSV and XML. The File Create step defines the file location and when to create it but the file layout for XML files is defined separately using the Flow Step File Layout Maintenance form described separately.
Create File Step Definition
The fields are described below:
Name - reference used when building the step and defining the step sequence. For example WHouse
Step Description - This is a more detailed description of the step of required.
Next Step - here the user will be able to select the name of the next step. So for example, after Logging to the CSV file they will go directly to the step to log to an XML file. Item
File Name - The user will select the database table to log data to.
File Directory - The directory where files will be stored. Mapped drives should be used for folders on a remote computer. If the folder cannot be found, it will be created. If the drive cannot be found there will be an error.
Unique Identifier - In addition to the file name, some unique identifier needs to be added to the file to manage multiple files of the same name being created. The two options are Job ID and Timestamp. If you want multiple scans to be appended to the same file then it is recommended to use the Job ID identifier. A Timestamp identifier will create a new file for each log. Using Job Identifier and not selecting the append indicator will work but if you job loops through multiple scans, instead of creating a new line for each loop, the file will be overwritten each time.
File Type - Supported Options are CSV and XML
File Suffix - Even though only 2 file types are supported, any suffix can be used. It is recommended to use CSV and XML respectively but if a third party application requires a specific suffix, this is possible.
Append Indicator - This will either create a new file each time the step is reached or append to an existing file for the same scanner function.
Map - This is where for CSV files, steps are mapped to columns and for XML files, steps are mapped to previously defined XML tags.
CSV File Mapping
CSV file mapping is shown above. Note how the steps are mapped simply to positions in the file. Please note that the resulting data per column is enclosed in double quotes e.g. "A100". This is to handle cases where the regional settings have commas as number separators. Excel, or any other application, would see those commas as denoting a new column. The double quotes handle that. There is no need to define the file layout in advance for CSV files.
XML File Mapping
For XML files, the mapping form is identical but now the XML tags are shown. XML file layouts are defined separately on the File Layout Maintenance form