It is possible to export EDI definitions from one setup to another and also to import EDI defintiond defined elsewhere.

The export process is very straighforward. Select the EDI Type and Layout you wish to export and then click on the Export button to see the form below.

EDI Export Form

Select the folder to export to, give your export file a name and click on OK. The file will be created.

On the Import, there are some decisions to be made. If you are importing your file into a totally new database with no existing EDI definitions then the EDI import imports both the EDI Type and the layout.

If however you are importing your file into a database with an existing EDI Type with the same name defined you will see the following message:

Import Warning

At this point you have two options. If you say No, a new EDI Type is created that replicates the first and creates all the associated layouts. If you say yes, the new layout is added to the existing EDI Type.

This is very useful. It means that if you have one layout defined and you want to repicate to make a few changes for a new set of clients, this is supported.