When building a function area and the related scanner prompts, there are various ways that data can be entered on the scanner. Of course, the most common way to enter data is via a keyboard or scanner but TransLution supports some other prompt types which are described below. Date and Time are supported on Android and EazyTouch but not on windows scanners. Password input types are supported on all devices.


On the Input Step definition form, there is a drop called Input Type with various options as shown below:


Data Entry Types



Text Box - this is the most commonly used and standard input type. This when the data entry comes via scanner or a keyboard or even a serial port in the case of a scale.


No Keyboard - This applies to Android only and allows a step to be displayed with no automatic on screen keyboard. This is useful for inputs that are generally scanned. The user will be able to open an on-screen keypad if required


Numpad - also for Android. The default on screen keyboard is a full alpha numeric keypad. If your step requires numeric data only this option can be used so that only numbers are available.



Password TextBox - this allows data to be entered via a keyboard or scanner, but the data is shown as if it were a password (***) so that the entered data cannot be read.


Date - Provides dropdowns to select month and year. The entry defaults to current date unless a default value is supplied. 



Date Entry Android                                         Date entry Windows


Time - Allows time to be entered. Defaults to current time unless a default value is supplied.



Time Entry Android                                                                 Time Entry Windows



User Selection - This option allows the user to click one of 2 buttons to select between two options. It can be seen almost as a manual decision. When this option is selected on an input step the input becomes almost like a decision except the user gets to choose what happens. As part of the setup shown below, two steps are defined as the steps for Selection One and Selection Two. The user will also be presented with two buttons and the text for each button is also defined here as shown below.


Defining a User Selection Step


Once this is done, when running the function, the end user will see the options below


End User presentation

RFID - There is limited support for RFID with specific RFID tags and on Android devices only. Please contact your TransLution reseller for more information.