Introducing Workflows
Workflows are available on EazyTouch and Android and the offer the ability to group and sort the function area buttons that are available to users. Say for example there are 3 function area related to sales order checking - a user can be presented with one button called checking and then when he clicks on that button, he will see all three checking buttons arranged in a selected order. The workflow is configured using TransLution Configurator client and is not available to EazyScan users but can be used with both EazyTouch and Android.
The data is displayed on the user form in a very specific way. If a function area belongs to a workflow then the user will not see that function area alone on the touch screen even if he has access to it. He will only see it as part of the workflow. However, if there is a function area that is not part of a workflow then the user will see that function area button on the main form. This means that the main form will contain a combination of function area and workflow buttons but the user does not really need to worry about this. he will select the function he needs to perform and once he has done that he will either be immediately asked to scan something or interact with a scanner job in some way or he will see another set of buttons.
Setting Up Workflow
Workflow definition is done using the workflow menu options as shown below.
Workflow Menu Option
The first step is to define the workflows and map function areas to each workflow - this is done using the Workflow Maintenance menu option.
Next we define which user group has access to which workflow/s using the Scanner Permission form, the same form where access is given to stand alone function areas.
Finally, it is necessary to define the sequence in which the workflows will appear on the Touch Screen from using the Workflow Sequencing Option.
Please Note that if a workflow has no function areas mapped to it, but it is still assigned to a scanner/user group, it will still be shown on the EazyScan form. If it’s clicked, it will show no function areas. Please ensure then that workflows do have function areas assigned to them.