EazySetup Settings
When running EazySetup for the first time, you are required to define the settings to allow the application to communicate with your TransLution database. The setup form is shown below. This form can also be accessed at any time by selecting the EazySetup Settings menu option. If you are unsure about the version or build of EazySetup you are running, this is an easy way to check that.
EazySetup Settings
The fields are as follows:
WCF Service Name: This is always the TransLution WCF service and should not be edited.
WCF Server Name: This is the name or the IP Address of the server where the TransLution WCF service is installed.
WCF COnnection type: This should not be changed and should be left as http
WCF Port: This should be left as 8733 unless specifically required to be changed,
SQL Server Name: This is the name of the SQL instance where the TransLution databases are installed
Common Database: This is the name of the TransLution Common database. In TransLution V6.1 this must be left as TRANSLUTION_UTILITY_CONTROL.
In summary, the only two fields that should be edited are the WCF Server Name and the SQL Server Name
When you are doing a brand new TransLution install, in addition to defining the settings fields as described above, you will also need to create a common database. TransLution requires two databases. The company database is where you define all the functions that users will be using. The common database is where common data such as company names and users and are defined. So if you have the most common scenario of a test and a live company, you would define all the users only in one place and then decide which users have access to only the live company, only the test company or both companies. By having the common database it means you don't have to define users more than once if they have access to both companies.
If the user clicks on the Create Common Database button they will see the form below:
All fields except the Database Server are populated by default. You need to specify the SQL server instance where the database will be created. If the SQL Server has a TransLution user created with rights to create a new database then leave the User Name and User Password. If not, please use the sa username and password. TransLution will then use this to create the common database and also to create the TRANSLUTION user with the required access to the TransLution databases.
If the Common database already exists when you click this button, it will be used to confirm that the database has the right structure and upgrade the database if required. When upgrading to a new version of TransLution it is recommended to use this to confirm that the common database has the right structure.