If your company does not have a media database defined you will see the following button on the Company Maintenance form - note the Create Media Tables Button.


Media Table Creation


If you are not using Media steps you can ignore this button. At any point if you decide to use Media steps, you will need to specify where to save the media files. At that point, use this button to do that. Clicking on the Create Media Tables for this company opens the following form.

Media Table Creation

You can simply add the the media tables to your existing Company database but this is not recommended. It is better to create a separate Media database. Simply select to create a new Media database at this stage or choose to use an existing database for your media table. If you choose to create a new database you will see the message below. Click OK to continue and create the new database.


Warning before new database creation


Once completed you will be returned to the Company Maintenance form and now you will have a Media database defined and no button will be shown.