EazySetup - Site Maintenance - Importing Site Licence

This form is also the one used to import the Site licence. Licence files are shipped via email as a zipped file. Unzip the file you receive and keep both files and the folder they are unzipped into as they are. You can then logon to EazySetup (Must be a site admin). Open the Site Maintenance form on the maintenance menu and you will see the Manage Licence option on the Maintain Site panel of the form.


Manage Licence Button



Selecting the Manage Licence option will open the form below. You will see the details of the current licence. The licence shows the number of devices across the site and the number of devices allowed for each company in the Site.

Select the import licence option and browse to the licence file you received. Import that licence and the details will be updated.


Licence Import Form

The licence file is created for a specific database name and a specific device count. The most likely errors relate to importing the licence against the wrong database name or with a device count in the database that exceeds the licenced device count.