The "Concurrent License Use" form gives you an overview of the concurrent licence usage for a specific site. The form is accessed from the File menu on EazySetup as shown below.

Accessing Concurrent Licence Use

When using this form, you will be able to view three important metrics: "Concurrent Licence Count Total,” “In Use," and "Available." 

The "concurrent licence count total" represents the overall number of concurrent licences allocated for the site. 

The "In Use" metric indicates the number of licences currently being actively utilized by users or systems. 

Finally, the "Available" metric shows the remaining licences that are currently not in use. 

This form gives you visibility of how many concurrent licences are assigned, how many are currently being utilised, and how many licences remain available. Such insights enable effective management and optimization of your concurrent licence resources, ensuring smooth operations and preventing any licence bottlenecks.

Concurrent Licence Use - Site Tab

The "Site" tab serves as a centralized hub for managing and monitoring your site-related information. Within this tab, you will find information about all the companies, scanners, and login names for the site. The form also displays the last activity, indicating the date and time of the latest interaction. 

The "Site" tab provides valuable insights into concurrent licence usage, presenting three key metrics: "Concurrent Licence count", "In Use," and "Available." 

Concurrent Licence Use - Company Tab

The "Company" tab lets you view specific companies and their related data. It provides a comprehensive overview of the number of scanners currently logged in, along with their login names. Additionally, you can see the most recent functional area that each scanner was working on, as well as the date and time of their latest activity.