Creating Sites
EazySetup - Site Maintenance - Site Panels
The Site Maintenance form consists of four panels. The two panels used to maintain Sites are shown below. Firstly, the user is required to define a site. TransLution supports only one site and the only option available on this form is to change the name of the default site.
In order to modify the site details, edit the information in the right hand side panel as below.
Site Maintenance - Maintain Site
On this form, each site needs at the minimum a Site Name.
The Minimum Password Length defaults to 8 characters. This can be set down to as low as 1. If zero is entered, a length of 8 is assumed. All companies in a given site share the same minimum password length.
The Site Prefix option relates to forcing users to use Scanner input only - meaning no keyboard entry is allowed. This is described in detail in the TransLution Help. The key point to note here is that this is where you specify which prefix all scanners will be set up to use. This is done at a site level because the user name and password are validated before you select a company meaning that we have to know which characters to remove (if any) at logon time. If no Prefix is added, then nothing will be removed from scanned barcodes and the feature will not be used.