EazySetup - Device Name

Every device on the network (EazyTouch, EazyScan and Android) has to have a unique name. The names configured here must match the names set up on the actual scanning devices. This defines the scanners/touch screen terminals/ tablets and not the users of the software. 

It is important for TransLution to know the names of all the devices on the network because when permissions are defined, they are defined for devices and for users. The MAC address will be populated by TransLution the first time it communicates with the named scanner (or PC or tablet). This information is used to manage the licensing and the MAC address can be cleared if a device is swapped out allowing the new device to be licensed and used.

It is also possible from this form to change a scanner to Auto mode so that jobs can be sent directly to the scanner - this applies particularly to the original core stock take functionality.

There is an option to define a device as Fixed or Concurrent. All RF Scanning devices should be defined as fixed. 

If there are occasional users of devices (such as an EazyTouch grid) then multiple users can 'share' a single license by defining the devices as concurrent. 

The key difference, is that there can be as many concurrent devices defined as you like but the number of users will be limited by the license. Therefore you can have 10 devices that can be used but if there are only 3 concurrent licenses, then only 3 can be used at a time. The first three logons will succeed and any other attempts to log on after that will fail. There is a form to manage users and log them off remotely

With a fixed device, the device has its own fixed license and it can never be 'stolen' or used by someone else. Devices being used for business critical processes must be fixed to ensure that no-one uses their license.

The fields on this form are described below:

Description: This is the unique name of the device

Long Description: This is simply a text field used for additional information

Device Type: Select if the device is EazyTouch, EazyScan or Android

Licence Type: Choose fixed or concurrent as described above

Port Details: Used for previous versions of Scanner Input only. No longer required

Printer Name: This specifies the default printer if printing reports from this device

The next three fields cannot be edited

Area: This is an optional field which helps to group scanners when managing large numbers of scanners as described here

Device Mode: Only required for older versions of TransLution and please ensure the the mode is set to MANUAL for all devices

Copy to new device: This opens the same form as the Scanner Copy menu item.