SYSPRO Standard Validations

The validations shown here are validations that only work with SYSPRO. SYSPRO independent validations are described here

Validation Name

SQL Query

Error Message


SELECT Warehouse, Description 

FROM SysproCompany0.dbo.InvWhControl WITH (NOLOCK)

WHERE Warehouse = @Warehouse

This is Not a Valid SYSPRO Warehouse.


SELECT StockCode, Description 

FROM SysproCompany0.dbo.InvMaster WITH (NOLOCK)

WHERE StockCode = @StockCode

This is Not a Valid SYSPRO Stock Code.


SELECT  Warehouse, StockCode, QtyOnHand,QtyAllocated 

FROM SysproCompany0.dbo.InvWarehouse


WHERE StockCode =  @StockCode AND Warehouse = @Warehouse AND QtyOnHand >= @QtyOnHand

Quantity Entered Exceeds Quantity Available in the Warehouse. 

Additional Message: Quantity Entered is not Numeric


This validation is used to validate whether the stock code is allowed to be stocked in the target warehouse

SELECT Warehouse, StockCode, QtyOnHand,QtyAllocated                          FROM SysproCompany0.dbo.InvWarehouse WITH (NOLOCK)

WHERE StockCode = @StockCode AND Warehouse = @Warehouse

This Stock Code is Not Valid for the Warehouse.


SELECT * FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.InvMaster WITH (NOLOCK)

WHERE StockCode = @StockCode AND StockOnHold =  'F'

This Stock Code is on Hold in SYSPRO.


SELECT * FROM   SysproCompany0.dbo.InvMaster WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE StockCode = @StockCode AND StockOnHold = 'P'

This Stock Code is Partially on Hold in SYSPRO.


SELECT Distinct Bin FROM SysproCompany0.dbo.InvMultBin WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE Bin = @Bin

This is Not a Valid SYSPRO Bin.


SELECT * FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.InvWhControl WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE  Warehouse = @Warehouse AND UseMultipleBins ='N'

Bins are Not Enabled in this Warehouse.


SELECT Warehouse FROM SysproCompany0.dbo.InvWhControl WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE Warehouse = @Warehouse  AND UseMultipleBins <> 'N'

This Warehouse does Not have Bins Enabled.


SELECT * FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.InvMultBin WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE Warehouse  = @Warehouse  AND Bin = @Bin 

This is Not a Valid Bin for the Warehouse.


SELECT DISTINCT WhArea FROM SysproCompany0.dbo.WhmBinArea WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE Warehouse = @Warehouse  AND WhArea = @WhArea 

This is Not a Valid Warehouse Area for the Warehouse.


SELECT DISTINCT Bin FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.WhmBin WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE Warehouse = @Warehouse AND WhArea = @WhArea  AND Bin  = @ Bin 

This is Not a Valid Bin for the Warehouse Area.


SELECT COUNT(*) FROM SysproCompany0.dbo.WhmBin WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE BinBarcode  = @BinBarcode

This is Not a Valid SYSPRO Bin Barcode.

Additional Message:

This is Not a Unique Bin Barcode


SELECT * FROM SysproCompany0.dbo.InvMultBin WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE StockCode  = @StockCode AND Bin = @Bin AND  Warehouse = @Warehouse  AND OnHold = 'Y'

This Bin is On Hold.


SELECT WB.BinBarcode FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.WhmBin WB WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE  WB.BinBarcode  = @Bin  AND WB.BinOnHold = 'Y'

This Bin is On Hold.



FROM SysproCompany0.dbo.WhmBin 

WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE Warehouse = @Warehouse AND Bin = @Bin

This is Not a Valid Bin for the Warehouse.


Not recommended to use this because it doesn't account for the same bin in multiple warehouses. Rather use ValidateStockCodeInWarehouseBin

SELECT * FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.InvMultBin WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE StockCode  = @StockCode AND Bin = @Bin 

This Stock Code does Not Exist in the Bin.


SELECT * FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.InvMultBin WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE StockCode  = @StockCode  AND Bin = @Bin AND  Warehouse = @Warehouse 

This Stock Code does Not Exist in the Bin.


Not recommended to use this one because it doesn't take into account the fact that there could be the same bin in more than one warehouse and the ship quantity. Rather use ValidateAvailableQuantityInWarehouseBin

SELECT * FROM SysproCompany0.dbo.InvMultBin WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE StockCode  = @StockCode  AND Bin = @Bin AND QtyOnHand1 >= @QtyOnHand1

Quantity Entered Exceeds Quantity Available in the Bin.

Additional Message: Quantity Entered is Not Numeric.


Not recommended to use this one because it doesn't take into account the ship quantity. Rather use ValidateAvailableQuantityInWarehouseBin

SELECT * FROM SysproCompany0.dbo.InvMultBin WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE StockCode  = @StockCode AND Bin = @Bin  AND QtyOnHand1 >= @QtyOnHand1 AND  Warehouse = @Warehouse 

Quantity Entered Exceeds Quantity Available in the Bin.


SELECT * FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.InvMultBin WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE StockCode  = @StockCode AND Bin = @Bin AND QtyOnHand1 - SoQtyToShip >=QtyOnHand1 AND  Warehouse =  @Warehouse 

Quantity Entered Exceeds Quantity Available in the Bin.

Additional Message: Quantity Entered is Not Numeric.


SELECT * FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.InvMaster WITH (NOLOCK)

WHERE PartCategory <> 'M' AND StockCode = @StockCode

This Stock Code is Not a Made In Item.


SELECT * FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.InvMaster WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE SerialMethod <> 'N' AND StockCode = @StockCode 

This Stock Code is Serialised.


SELECT * FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.InvMaster WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE TraceableType = 'T' AND StockCode = @StockCode 

This Stock Code is Lot Traceable.


SELECT * FROM SysproCompany0.dbo.InvMaster WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE TraceableType = 'I' AND StockCode = @StockCode

This Stock Code Requires Inspection.


SELECT * FROM SysproCompany0.dbo.InvSerialTrn WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE Serial = @Serial 

This is Not a Valid SYSPRO Serial Number.


SELECT * FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.InvSerialTrn WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE Serial = @Serial AND StockCode = @StockCode

This Serial Number is Not Valid for the Stock Code.


SELECT * FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.InvSerialHead WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE Serial = @Serial AND StockCode = @StockCode AND Warehouse = @Warehouse  AND QtyOnHand >'0'

This Serial Number is Not in the Warehouse.


SELECT * FROM SysproCompany0.dbo.InvSerialHead WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE Serial = @Serial 

This is Not a Valid SYSPRO Serial Number.



FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.InvSerialHead


WHERE Serial =@Serial AND StockCode = @StockCode AND Warehouse = @Warehouse

Quantity Entered Exceeds the Quantity in the Warehouse for the Serial Number.


SELECT Warehouse, Description FROM SysproCompany0.dbo.InvWhControl WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE Warehouse = @Warehouse AND StockTakeFlag = 'Y'

This Warehouse is Not in Stock Take Mode.


SELECT Warehouse, Description FROM SysproCompany0.dbo.InvWhControl WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE Warehouse = @Warehouse AND StockTakeFlag = 'Y'

This Warehouse is in Stock Take Mode.


SELECT Warehouse, StockCode FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.InvStockTake WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE StockCode = @StockCode AND Warehouse = @Warehouse 

This Stock Code is Not Part of the Stock Take for the Warehouse.


 SELECT * FROM SysproCompany0.dbo.LotDetail WITH (NOLOCK)

 WHERE StockCode = @StockCode 

 AND Lot = @Lot OR Lot= '@PaddedValue'

This Lot Number does Not Exist for the Stock Code


SELECT TOP 1 Lot AS [Lot], ExpiryDate FROM SysproCompany0.dbo.LotDetail WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE StockCode = @StockCode  ORDER BY ExpiryDate ASC 

This is Not the Oldest Lot Number for the Stock Code


 SELECT * FROM SysproCompany0.dbo.LotDetail WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE StockCode = @StockCode AND Lot= @Lot  OR Lot = '@PaddedValue' AND ExpiryDate IS NULL

This Lot Number is Expired


SELECT Lot, StockCode FROM SysproCompany0.dbo.LotDetail 

WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE StockCode = @StockCode  AND Lot =@Lot

OR Lot = '@PaddedValue'

AND QtyOnHand >=@Qty GROUP BY  Lot, StockCode

Quantity Entered Exceeds the Available Lot Quantity


 SELECT SUM(QtyOnHand) As QuantityOnHand FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.LotDetail WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE StockCode = @StockCode  AND Lot = @Lot OR Lot = '@PaddedValue' AND Warehouse = @WareHouse 

Quantity Entered Exceeds the Available Lot Quantity in the Warehouse


SELECT SUM(QtyOnHand) As QuantityOnHand FROM SysproCompany0.dbo.LotDetail WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE StockCode = @StockCode  AND Lot = @Lot OR Lot = '@PaddedValue' AND Warehouse =@Warehouse  AND Bin = @Bin 

Quantity Entered Exceeds the Available Lot Quantity in the Bin


SELECT Lot FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.LotDetail WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE Lot = @Lot  OR Lot = '@PaddedValue'

This is Not a Valid SYSPRO Lot Number


SELECT Lot FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.LotDetail WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE Lot = @Lot OR  Lot ='@PaddedValue' AND QtyOnHand > 0 

The Quantity for this Lot is 0


 SELECT D.SalesOrder FROM SysproCompany0.dbo.SorDetail AS D WITH (NOLOCK) 

 WHERE D.SalesOrder = SalesOrder OR D.SalesOrder = '@PaddedValue' AND D.MStockCode = 'StockCode'

This Stock Code is Not on the Sales Order


SELECT  * FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.SorMaster WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE SalesOrder = @SalesOrder OR SalesOrder = '@PaddedValue' 

This is Not a Valid SYSPRO Sales Order


SELECT * FROM SysproCompany0.dbo.SorMaster WITH (NOLOCK) 

WHERE SalesOrder = SalesOrder  OR SalesOrder = '@PaddedValue' 

AND OrderStatus = '9'

This Order is Not in Status 9


SELECT * FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.SorMaster WITH (NOLOCK)

WHERE SalesOrder =@SalesOrder OR SalesOrder= '@PaddedValue'

AND OrderStatus = '9'

This Order is in Status 9


 SELECT * FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.SorMaster WITH (NOLOCK)

  WHERE SalesOrder= @SalesOrder  OR SalesOrder= '@PaddedValue' AND OrderStatus = '4'

This Order is Not in Status 4


SELECT * FROM SysproCompany0.dbo.SorMaster WITH (NOLOCK)

WHERE SalesOrder= @SalesOrder

OR SalesOrder= '@PaddedValue' AND OrderStatus = '1'

This Order is Not in Status 1


SELECT * FROM SysproCompany0.dbo.SorMaster WITH (NOLOCK) 

WHERE SalesOrder= @SalesOrder OR SalesOrder= '@PaddedValue' AND CancelledFlag = 'Y'

This Order is Cancelled


SELECT SUM(MBackOrderQty) As BackOrderQty FROM SysproCompany0.dbo.SorDetail AS D

WITH (NOLOCK) GROUP BY MStockCode, SalesOrder HAVING MStockCode = MStockCode

AND SalesOrder = @SalesOrder OR SalesOrder= '@PaddedValue'

AND SUM(MBackOrderQty)  >= @Quantity

Quantity Entered Exceeds the Back Order Quantity on the Order


SELECT MStockCode, SalesOrder, SUM(MOrderQty) As OrderQty FROM SysproCompany0.dbo.SorDetail AS D WITH (NOLOCK) GROUP BY MStockCode, SalesOrder HAVING MStockCode = MStockCode

AND SalesOrder = @SalesOrder OR SalesOrder= '@PaddedValue' AND SUM(MOrderQty)  >= @Quantity

Quantity Entered Exceeds the Order Quantity


SELECT SUM(MShipQty) As ShipQty FROM SysproCompany0.dbo.SorDetail AS D WITH (NOLOCK) 

GROUP BY MStockCode, SalesOrder HAVING  SUM(MShipQty)  >= @Quantity AND D.MStockCode = @StockCode

AND D.SalesOrder = SalesOrder OR D.SalesOrder= '@PaddedValue'

Quantity Entered Exceeds the Ship Quantity on the Order


SELECT * FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.SorMaster WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE SalesOrder= @SalesOrder  OR SalesOrder= '@PaddedValue' AND OrderStatus = '4'

This Order is in Status 4


 SELECT * FROM SysproCompany0.dbo.SorDetailSer WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE SalesOrder = @SalesOrder OR SalesOrder= '@PaddedValue' AND Serial = '@SerialNumber'

This Serial Number is Not Allocated to the Sales Order


 SELECT Count(SalesOrder) As NumberOfSalesOrder FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.SorMaster WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE SalesOrder = @SalesOrder OR SalesOrder= '@PaddedValue' AND InterWhSale = 'Y'

This is Not a Valid SYSPRO SCT Number


SELECT Job FROM SysproCompany0.dbo.WipMaster

 WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE Job = @Job OR Job = '@PaddedValue'

This is Not a Valid SYSPRO Job Number


SELECT * FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.WipMaster WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE Job = @Job OR Job ='@PaddedValue' AND HoldFlag = 'Y'

This Job is On Hold


SELECT * FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.WipMaster WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE Job = @Job OR Job =  '@PaddedValue' AND Complete = 'Y'

This Job is Complete


 SELECT * FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.WipMaster WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE Job = @Job  OR Job ='@PaddedValue' AND ConfirmedFlag <> 'Y'

This Job is Not Confirmed


 SELECT * FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.WipJobAllMat WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE Job = @Job & OR Job = '@PaddedValue' AND StockCode = @StockCode 

This Stock Code is Not Required for the Job


 SELECT * FROM SysproCompany0.dbo.WipMaster WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE Job = @Job  OR Job = '@PaddedValue' AND (QtyToMake - QtyManufactured) > 0 

This Job has an Outstanding Quantity to Make of Zero


SELECT A.Job,A.StockCode, B.QtyToMake, A.UnitQtyReqd, A.QtyIssued, (B.QtyToMake * A.UnitQtyReqd) - A.QtyIssued AS TotalQty FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.WipJobAllMat A WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN  SysproCompany0.dbo.WipMaster B WITH (NOLOCK) ON A.Job = B.Job WHERE A.Job =@ Job OR A.Job = '@PaddedValue ' AND A.StockCode =  @StockCode AND (B.QtyToMake * A.UnitQtyReqd) - A.QtyIssued  >=  @Quantity

Quantity Entered Exceeds the Outstanding Quantity to Issue


SELECT * FROM SysproCompany0.dbo.BomWorkCentre 

This is Not a Valid SYSPRO Work Centre


SELECT * FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.BomMachine 

This is Not a Valid SYSPRO Machine


SELECT * FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.BomOperations WHERE Operation = @Operation  AND StockCode = @StockCode 

This is Not a Valid Operation for the Job


SELECT * FROM SysproCompany0.dbo.WipJobAllMat WITH (NOLOCK) 

WHERE Job = @Job OR Job = '@PaddedValue'

AND StockCode = @StockCode AND AllocCompleted <> 'Y'

This Stock Code has been Fully Issued to the Job


SELECT * FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.WipMaster WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE Job = @Job  OR Job = '@PaddedValue' AND StockCode = @StockCode

This is Not the Stock Code to Make on the Job.


 SELECT (QtyToMake - QtyManufactured) FROM SysproCompany0.dbo.WipMaster WITH (NOLOCK) 

 WHERE Job = @Job OR Job = '@PaddedValue'

 AND (QtyToMake - QtyManufactured) >= @Quantity

Quantity Entered Exceeds the Outstanding Quantity to Make on the Job

Additional Message: Quantity Entered is Not Numeric


SELECT OperCompleted FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.WipJobAllLab WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE Job = @Job OR Job ='@PaddedValue' AND Operation =  @Operation  AND OperCompleted = 'Y'

This Operation is Complete

Additional Message: Operation Entered is Not an Integer


SELECT * FROM SysproCompany0.dbo.WipMaster WITH (NOLOCK)

WHERE Job = Job OR Job = 'PaddedValue' AND HoldFlag <> 'Y' 

AND ConfirmedFlag = 'Y' AND Complete <> 'Y'

This Job is On Hold, Not Confirmed or Complete


 SELECT PurchaseOrder FROM SysproCompany0.dbo.PorMasterHdr


 WHERE PurchaseOrder = @PurchaseOrder OR PurchaseOrder = '@PaddedValue'

This is Not a Valid SYSPRO Purchase Order


SELECT PurchaseOrder FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.PorMasterHdr WITH (NOLOCK) 

 WHERE PurchaseOrder = @PurchaseOrder OR PurchaseOrder ='@PaddedValue'

 AND ActiveFlag = ' '

This Purchase Order is Not Active


SELECT PurchaseOrder FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.PorMasterHdr WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE PurchaseOrder = @PurchaseOrder  OR PurchaseOrder = '@PaddedValue ' AND CancelledFlag = ' '

This Purchase Order is Cancelled


SELECT PurchaseOrder FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.PorMasterHdr WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE PurchaseOrder = @PurchaseOrder  OR PurchaseOrder = '@PaddedValue' AND OrderStatus = '4' 

This Purchase Order is Not in Status 4


SELECT MStockCode FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.PorMasterDetail WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE PurchaseOrder= @PurchaseOrder  OR PurchaseOrder = '@PaddedValue' AND MStockCode = @StockCode

This Stock Code does Not Exist on the Purchase Order.


SELECT MStockCode FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.PorMasterDetail WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE PurchaseOrder =@PurchaseOrder  OR PurchaseOrder = '@PaddedValue' AND MStockCode = 'StockCode'  AND MOrderQty - MReceivedQty = 0 

This Purchase Order is Fully Received


SELECT MStockCode FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.PorMasterDetail WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE PurchaseOrder= @PurchaseOrder OR PurchaseOrder = '@PaddedValue' AND MStockCode = @StockCode AND MOrderQty - MReceivedQty >=  @Quantity

Quantity Entered Exceeds the Outstanding Quantity to Receive


SELECT Warehouse  FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.PorMasterHdr WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE PurchaseOrder= @PurchaseOrder OR PurchaseOrder = '@PaddedValue' AND Warehouse = @Warehouse

The Warehouse is Not the Warehouse on the Purchase Order


SELECT MWarehouse FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.PorMasterDetail WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE PurchaseOrder= @PurchaseOrder OR PurchaseOrder = '@PaddedValue' AND MWarehouse = @Warehouse  AND Line = @Line 

The Warehouse is Not the Warehouse on the Purchase Order Line


SELECT MStockCode FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.PorMasterDetail WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE PurchaseOrder = @PurchaseOrder OR PurchaseOrder = '@PaddedValue' AND Line = @LineNumber AND MOrderQty - MReceivedQty = 0 

This Purchase Order Line is Fully Received


SELECT Invoice FROM SysproCompany0.dbo.ArInvoice


WHERE Invoice = '@Invoice' OR Invoice = '@PaddedValue'

This is Not a Valid SYSPRO Invoice


SELECT Invoice FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.ArTrnDetail WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE Invoice = @Invoice  OR Invoice = '@PaddedValue' AND LTRIM(RTRIM(StockCode)) = @StockCode

This Stock Code does Not Exist on the Invoice.


SELECT Invoice FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.ArTrnDetail WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE Invoice = @Invoice  OR Invoice = '@PaddedValue' AND LTRIM(RTRIM(StockCode)) = @StockCode AND QtyInvoiced < @Quantity 

Quantity Entered Exceeds the Invoice Quantity


SELECT * FROM SysproCompany0.dbo.RmaMaster WITH (NOLOCK) 

This is Not a Valid SYSPRO RMA


SELECT * FROM SysproCompany0.dbo.RmaDetail WITH (NOLOCK)

WHERE RmaNumber = @RmaNumber OR RmaNumber = '@PaddedValue'

AND StockCode = @StockCode

This Stock Code does Not Exist on the RMA.


 SELECT * FROM SysproCompany0.dbo.RmaDetail WITH (NOLOCK) 

 WHERE RmaNumber = @RmaNumber OR RmaNumber = '@PaddedValue'

 AND LTRIM(RTRIM(StockCode)) = @StockCode

 AND (AuthorizedQty-ReceivedQty) < @Quantity

Quantity Entered Exceed the Quantity on the RMA for the Stock Code


SELECT * FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.ArCustomer WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE Customer = @Customer OR Customer = '@PaddedValue'

This is Not a Valid SYSPRO Customer


SELECT * FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.ArCustomer WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE Customer = @Customer  OR Customer = '@PaddedValue' AND CustomerOnHold = 'Y'

This Customer is On Hold


SELECT * FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.ApSupplier WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE Supplier = @Supplier OR Supplier = '@PaddedValue'

This is Not a Valid SYSPRO Supplier


SELECT * FROM SysproCompany0.dbo.GtrDetail WITH (NOLOCK)

WHERE GtrReference = @GtrReference

OR GtrReference = '@PaddedValue'

This GIT number already exists and cannot be used


 SELECT * FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.GtrDetail WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE GtrReference = @GtrReference 

This is Not a Valid SYSPRO GIT Number


SELECT * FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.GtrDetail WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE GtrReference = @GtrReference  OR GtrReference = '@PaddedValue' AND SourceWarehouse = @Warehouse 

This Warehouse does Not Match the GIT Source Warehouse.


SELECT * FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.GtrDetail WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE GtrReference = @GtrReference OR GtrReference = '@PaddedValue' AND StockCode = @StockCode

This Stock Code does Not Exist on the GIT


 SELECT * FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.GtrDetail WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE GtrReference  = @GtrReference OR GtrReference = '@PaddedValue' AND TargetWarehouse = @TargetWarehouse

This Warehouse does Not Match the GIT Target Warehouse.


SELECT * FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.GtrDetail WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE  GtrReference  = @GtrReference  OR GtrReference = '@PaddedValue' AND StockCode = @StockCode AND (GtrQuantity - QtyReceived) >= @Quantity 

Quantity Entered Exceeds Outstanding Quantity to Receive on the GIT


 SELECT * FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.MdnMaster WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE DispatchNote =@ScannedDispatchNote OR DispatchNote = '@PaddedValue'

This is Not a Valid SYSPRO Dispatch Note


 SELECT * FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.MdnDetail WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE DispatchNote= @ScannedDispatchNote  OR DispatchNote = '@PaddedValue' AND MStockCode  = @ScannedItemCode

This Stock Code does Not Exist on the Dispatch Note.


SELECT * FROM SysproCompany0.dbo.MdnDetail 

 WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE DispatchNote  = @ScannedDispatchNote

 OR DispatchNote = '@PaddedValue' AND MStockCode = @ScannedItemCode

 AND MQtyToDispatch >= @Qty 

Quantity Entered Exceeds the Dispatch Note Quantity


SELECT Invoice FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.MdnMaster WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE DispatchNote = @DispatchNote OR DispatchNote = '@PaddedValue'

This Dispatch Note has Already been Invoiced


 SELECT Grn FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.InvInspect WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE Grn = @Grn  OR Grn = '@PaddedValue'

This is Not a Valid SYSPRO GRN


SELECT Grn FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.InvInspect WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE Grn = @Grn  OR Grn = '@PaddedValue' AND QtyCounted >= @Qty

Quantity Entered Exceeds the Quantity Counted


SELECT Grn FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.InvInspect WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE Grn = @Grn OR Grn = '@PaddedValue' AND QtyRejected  >= @Qty

Quantity Entered Exceeds the Available Quantity to Return


 SELECT Grn FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.InvInspect WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE Grn =@Grn  OR Grn = '@PaddedValue'  AND QtyInspected - (QtyScrapped + QtyRejected)  >= @Qty

Quantity Entered Exceeds the Available Quantity to Return


SELECT * FROM  SysproCompany0.dbo.ReqHeader WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE Requisition = @ScannedRequisitionNumber  OR Requisition = '@PaddedValue'

This is Not a Valid SYSPRO Requisition Number