When installing the General Posting Service, it is necessary to specify the SQL server where the TransLution Utility Control database can be found. This is done in the TransLutionGeneralPostingService.exe.config file as shown below. The DatabaseName MUST be TRANSLUTION_UTILITY_CONTROL. The Server Name must be the name of the SQL instance where that database can be found.



Config File Settings




TransLution uses a database called TRANSLUTION_UTILITY_CONTROL to manage the General Posting service. The reason that this database is external to the TransLution database is that it is possible for one service to perform tasks for multiple TransLution databases and/or Syspro Companies. There is only one table in this database called DATABASE_NAME_SETUP. Generally, when referring to the Utility Control setup, the data in the DATABASE_NAME_SETUP table is being referred to. The details of setting up the Utility Control Database are described here