There are various scanner setups required for batch Scanning. These are described below


Scanning Validation

It is not possible for complete validation to occur when doing batch scanning. There is however some basic validation supported. The batch scanner includes a config file with the structure below:


<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>











The barcode lengths and max and min quantity values can be configured using this file. The scanner name can also be set up here.


Scanner XML File

1.      To set up a Function Area for the Batch Scanner, you will need an xml file in the Function Areas folder (which is a subdirectory of the Batch Scanner installation folder) on the scanner. The file must be named FunctionAreaName.xml, and must have the following structure (the tag details of course depend on the scanner prompts defined)






<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>



    <Prompt>Source Location</Prompt>

























The outer tag (in this StockTake) must match the function area name and then each prompt must have a section called <Structure> which contains the Scanner Prompt and the details of the scanning sequence.