Permissions for all client functions whether these are Function Areas or Workflows, is managed in one central place. The setup is done on a form called Scanner Permission and this screen is reached as follows:

Scanner Maintenance - Scanner Permission. It is possible to allow any scanner user to select any function area from EazyScan and to select any Function Area or workflow from EazyTouch or Android. The Permissions form is used to ensure that users have access to the right functions. By default, no user has access to any functions so the first step is to ensure that users have access to the required functions.  


Permissions are defined for Function Areas and Workflows using two tabs on the same form as shown below.




Maintaining Function Area and Workflow Permissions





Maintaining Workflow Permissions


This form allows the administrator to set up permissions for any combination of scanner and scanner user that may be logged on to the scanner. Only if a function area appears on this screen can it be selected from any one of the TransLution clients.


Functions are sequenced on the same form. Note how when a function is selected you see an arrow on the RHS of the form. This allows you to move an function up and down the list. The Workflow checkbox is for information purposes only to indicate if you are looking at a function or at a workflow.


If you scroll across the form you will see two additional columns - Refresh Rate and Full Screen.


It is possible to select multiple functions when giving permissions and there is a full set of filtering options available to allow for groups of functions with similar names to be selected quickly and easily.


Filter Options



Note that this setup is required for all devices. For EazyTouch and Android devices, if workflows are being used then only Workflow Permissions need to be granted.


Any function area that does not belong to a workflow will need to have access granted to the function area. For Workflow functions, if the user has access to a specific Workflow, they automatically have access to all the functions in the workflow.