Release Date 10 June 2015


Release Summary

TransLution 3.61 is a release that focuses on improving the installation and upgrade process. We are shipping 3.61 with both an install utility and an upgrade utility to upgrade older databases. In addition to this, we have made some small but significant enhancements to the General Posting Service and some end-user enhancements too.


TransLution ERP Service

TransLution now supports a new category of business object – SETUP Business Objects. These allow users to change the setup of inventory items or customers. For example if they default bin of an item needs to be changed, this requires the SETUP business object.


TransLution EazyInstall and Upgrade Utility

The EazyInstall Utility can be run directly from the TransLution Installation folder and it presents you with a quick and easy way to see what is already installed and to install (and uninstall) the required elements.

An additional feature of this process is that on the EazyScan and EazyTouch devices, if the wrong version is installed, users will be notified. Also, on an initial install when there is no data known about the server name or database name, users are prompted for this information as part of the installation process.


The main form for EazyInstall looks like this:


EazyInstall Form


The form for the database and server settings is shown below


Initial System Settings Form


General Posting Service Enhancements

The General Posting Service has had two significant changes made to it. It is now possible to configure a period during the day when the service does not post data to Syspro. This was introduced so that day-end functions in Syspro did not lock records and cause posts to fail. Users can still scan at any time as before but any scans that occur during the non-running time are simply buffered until posting can begin again. Setting up General Posting timing is done here.

Also, the General Posting Service can now support multiple TransLution databases and multiple Syspro companies.


End-User Changes

We have added an enhancement to the EazyTouch scanning function where with a standard scanning function, users can now view a history of scanned data. This is called the Progress Grid and setup details can be found here


Other Enhancements

We have made various changes to improves the implementation experience


  • The Scanner Function Maintenance form is larger to allow for more space to display the names of validation stored procedures.
  • The Discrete Stock Adjustment form has also been made larger to handle longer item descriptions.
  • The User Maintenance form has had a minor usability issue fixed whereby every time a user was saved, the list reverted to the top user and not the last saved user.
  • The Documentation feature has been enhanced to allow spec documents to be uploaded and stored in the TransLution database.
  • We now log (to the table TOUCH_FUNCTION_AUDIT) which function area was last selected on a specific device. This was previously only known for scanning functions but the data is now know for all types of overlays.
  • TransLution Settings can now be changed from within the client and no longer anyone to edit the TransLutionSettings.xml file. This file is also now saved in C:\TransLutionSettings to manage permissions better.
  • When adding new function areas, the Update ERP selection was not cleared. This has been fixed
  • When adding new scanner prompts the validation stored procedure was not cleared. This has been fixed
  • When adding new devices, the unique identifier was not cleared. This has been fixed.