Release Date 28 Sep 2015


Release Summary

The key end user benefits of 3.62 relate to our ongoing improvements for allowing TransLution to work in a multi-company environment.  Now when logging onto either an EazyScan or EazyTouch client, or the TransLution Configurator, users can select at that point which company they want to log on to.


We have also made significant strides in making it simpler for customers to maintain their site information without the need to call someone for support. It is possible, when adding a new device to the system to simply copy permissions from an existing device rather than having to set up permissions from scratch. Users can also be copied from existing users. Menu structures have also changed to support our ease of use efforts.


Managing Multiple Companies

We can now define multiple companies in a given environment and users can choose at logon which company they are logging on to. Each company would then be able to communicate with a different Syspro Company if required. This is ideal not only in multi-company environments but also where there is a test company in use. When logging onto any TransLution Client there is a company selection option as shown below


Multi Company Logon



Licensing Enhancements

We have added various extensions to our software licensing. In addition to fixed device licenses, we now support concurrent licensing. These licenses are intended for casual users of the software such as users in the office who log onto EazyTouch occasionally. If there are 3 or 4 office users, the client may decide to enable only 2 concurrent licenses. In addition to this, concurrent licensing can be used to manage remote desktop connection users. There is also a form to view and manage concurrent users.

Managing Logons and Importing Licenses


In addition to this, the license file is now imported into the configurator and no longer needs to be copied to a folder on the hard disk. This should users to manage licenses themselves.



Setting and Copying Device Permissions

All device permissions are now defined in a single place (both for EazyTouch and EazyScan) and permissions can be copied quickly and easily from one device to another.


Defining and copying Device Permissions



Menu Structure Changes

All configuration items related to defining functions for scanners can now be found in one place - under the Application Control Menu items. Options such as VBP definition and Scanner setups which were previously found in other places are now all found here.


Application Control Menu

Other Enhancements

We have made various changes to improves the implementation and end user experience


  • It is now possible to allow an EazyTouch client to be minimised
  • When a new user needs to be created in the Configurator, you can copy an existing user
  • The User Maintenance form has been changed so that non-Admin users who have access to the form can only add users to the User Groups that they have access to.
  • When there is an error message from stored procedure, the focus in not on the OK button as in the past meaning an accidental scan will not remove the error.
  • When a password field was used on a prompt, on leaving the prompt the password would briefly be readable - this has been fixed
  • The Syspro Company name can now be 2 characters to support Syspro 7 implementations
  • There was a bug in the function area copy - when copying a function area with VBP code, the VBP code was duplicated, this has been fixed
  • The VBP on OK did not run when clicking on enter on the numeric keypad on EazyTouch, this has been fixed
  • If you want to display a keypad on the EazyTouch logon form, this can de defined in the EazyTouch configuration file.
  • On EazyScan we have made better use of the screen size for drop down menu items by moving the Keys button and making the dropdown box larger.
  • We have made the EazyScan function display list now sort in the same sequence as the function area sort sequence defined on the workflow form for EazyTouch setups.
  • Dropdowns on EazyScan did not work correctly if they were dependent on another prompt - this has been fixed.