Release Date 06 June 2017


Release Summary



Manipulate Step

This step moves the ability to manipulate complex barcodes and extract barcode elements away from our custom tools right into the users hands. This will save significant implementation time.


Suggestion Prompts

It is now possible to define a fixed message for a suggestion prompt that does not require a stored procedure


Error Email Service

We have added forms to the TransLution Configurator to allow Email error types to defined and linked to both users and function areas. This also allows users to edit and maintain who email errors get sent to.


Auto Updates

EazyTouch and EazyScan will comapre their local software version with the server version and automatically update if required.


Other Enhancements and Bug Fixes

We have made various changes to improves the implementation and end user experience

  • You can now see the details of a log and post step in the Right hand side panel without needing to open the step
  • You can no longer define two companies with the same name. This reduces the risk of end user confusion
  • Activating and Deactivating validations along with the associated mappings has been streamlined
  • The EazyTouch client has been extended to ensure that the system keypad can be used on all overlays
  • Enhancements to the Licence Import function to give clearer error messages when licence imports fail.
  • Some minor processing issues have been sorted - in the past there were occasions when not all conditional data was logged to files. This has been fixed. The error when doing two Syspro posts on successive steps is now fixed.
  • When a device name is not defined on the configurator the error message is now more meaningful
  • Full Screen Errors and Coloured buttons are once more available.
  • The error when trying to save partial results on the in-line data capture form has been fixed