Release Date 30 October 2017


Release Summary


The biggest features of this release are two related items. Unattended Function Areas and VBP Execution step types. Using these two items together allows users to quickly and easily configure TransLution to perform a range of unattended tasks. The two features can of course also be used separately


Unattended Function Areas

This is a new configuration option on the function area maintenance form called Run Unnattended. This allows users to define a function area to run on a time based interval rather than on a user request. There is no user intervention possible with this kind of function but any number of steps can be defined such as - Post, Log, Execut VBP, Print or even Input steps with default values running stored procedures.


VBP Execution Steps

There is a new Step Type in TransLution V4.4 called Execute VBP. As the name suggests, this step can execute the selected VBP code. An important benefit of this step is that it can be defined to execute on the server meaning that VBP code can be executed from a scanner.


Suggestion Prompt Enhancements

There have been two enhancements made to the Suggestion Prompt logic. The first change is that now it is possible to map previous step values to the suggestion prompt stored procedure making it possible to reference previously scanned data without doing database queries.


The other enhancement is that a new type of return value is supported. In the past the suggestion text could either be returned to the form below the Step Description for information purposes or to a message box for errors. it is now possible to have a third type of display which will return the result of the stored procedure into the Input Box on the device. This means that you can have waht looks like a standard default value BUT the actual value shown is not fixed, it is based on a stored procedure.


General Grid Enhancements

There have been two very useful enhancements made to the General Grid Overlay. The first is that the top grid now displays multiple columns, not only the document number and the second is that the lower grid where line details are shown can now have different line colours depending on the line status


Business Object Event Form Enhancements

The Business Object Event form has been made a lot more usable by including the ability to view the details of the XML files on the form and also by enhancing the filter options


Other Enhancements and Bug Fixes

We have made a number of other changes to improve both the implementation and end user experience

  • It is possible to configure per step if the Quit Job button is available
  • You can now switch between Input and Lookup step types
  • It is possible to configure per EazyTouch device if the minimise option is allowed
  • It is possible per EazyTouch device to configure if a password is required to Exit or not
  • When using full screen errors it is now possible to configure if the password needs to be entered to clear the error
  • The Full Screen Error form had a bug when entering a password to clear the error that the user could select to change company. This has been fixed. on successive steps is now fixed.
  • QM has been extended to support 3 decimals throughout
  • Expected Results imports on QM have been extended to validate for impossible numeric ranges on expected results and also to support importing special characters on the Unit of Measure.
  • There is a new form to set up the communications definition when a wedge scanner is set up to be used as a serial scanner rather than a keyboard emulator.
  • It is now a configuration option to save XML files when communicating with Syspro
  • If the Sysprodb name is not Sysprodb this is now configurable
  • The General Grid and TL Selector audit trail has been enhanced to show which VBP was executed
  • Minor bugs on the scanner and user copy functions were fixed