Release Date 16 April 2018


Release Summary


The biggest features of this release are two important items. We have significantly upgrade the General Grid both in terms of look and feel and also in terms of functionality that is available. The other item is new feature relating to posting data to Syspro. We support multiple post types now - you can allow operators to retry failed posts directly from the scanner and also to select to buffer problematic posts to be posted at a later stage. It is also possible to buffered posts directly which removes the needs for the complexities of configuring the general posting service and logging data to a table to support the service.


General Grid Enhancements

It is now possible to select the filter rows in the General Grid by the user that is currently logged on. It is also possible to set any column to be modifiable by selecting the column name. This means that modifiable columns no longer need to be on the LHS of the grid. Also, the header and detail views or tables do not need to be linked by a column called 'Document'. It is possible to select which column links the two tables or views. It is also possible now to select to post data if using a view and not only if a table is being used as in the past.


From a user level, there is a new look grid. There are now two buttons to refresh the header and lines separately. The Document column is not visible in the lower grid which is not needed and used to take up valuable space. The new look grid offers enhanced filtering options and once a filter is selected on the lower grid and the user refreshes data, this filter does not disappear.


Buffered Posting

It is now possible to select various options on each POST step as shown below.

Each option is covered in detail in the on-line help but briefly they are as follows:

Live Post - does a post to Syspro as per current post steps.

Live Post with Retry - A live post is attempted and if there is an error, the user will see the error and will be able to select to retry the post. This will post the same data a second time

Buffered Post - With this option, data is logged for posting using the posting service and there is no message to the operator.

Live Post with Buffer or Retry - With this option, the post is attempted live. If the post fails the operator can retry or select to buffer the post. So, they can retry and if the post fails, buffer for later posting. This is an excellent way to manage sites where occasionally the communication to the ERP is poor but it is generally good. For generally poor connectivity, buffered posting is a preferred option.


Buffered Posting Overlay

This is a new Overlay that allows users to manage failed posts and either cancel them or retry the post.


Other Enhancements and Bug Fixes

We have various other changes to improve both the implementation and end user experience

  • If EazyTouch is closed without the user logging off, they are automatically logged off
  • The maximum timer value allowed for unattended functions was 100 minutes. This has been extended to 720 minutes (24hours)
  • The Progress grid on EazyTouch now allows columns to be grouped.
  • Fixed an issue where changing the custom decision or validation on a step kept the old description making the decision not work correctly
  • Clearing full screen errors without a password still required permissions to be set. This has been fixed.
  • There was an issue when using multiple VBP steps that required inputs. This has been fixed.
  • The Unattended Function Service used to stop a specific thread if there was an error detected. This thread will now retry at the time interval.
  • Android functionality is released and supports using a camera to scan barcodes.