Release Date - 28 May 2020


Release Summary


Version 5.61 is an interim release that adds buttons to Android displays for function area selection replacing the current grid display.


Function Area Buttons on Android

The buttons in V561 do not have the full range of planned functionlity - workflows, conifgurable images and the ability to assign button colours will be added in a later release. A sample of the display is shown below.





Other Enhancements and Bug Fixes - Android

Since this release was an Android build, we made a few other fixes to Android at the same time.

  • We have fixed the situation where logging out did not release a licence for concurrent users
  • Skip button is now visible on the first step when enabled
  • If a grid calling a Subroutine had multiple rows selected, only the first was executed. This has been fixed
  • The General Grid header grid did not refresh after a subroutine was executed even if the refresh option was selected. This has been fixed
  • If the scanned barcode on a Query function had an embedded CR included the query did not execute first time.