Release Date - 11 Feb 2022


Release Summary

Version 6.3 was largely focussed on two key items - improved Scale Integration and adding Integration to SAGE300.  


There have also been some enhancements made to Android displays, Licence Imports and to how grid overlays are built. 


Scale Integration

TransLution has released an improved Scale interface. Rather than installing a separate application to support communication to scales as was required in the past, this is ow supported as a core part of EazyTouch. It is possible to access the COMM PORT settings option from the main EazyTouch setup form. This means that the scale comms setting is password protected o prevent unmanaged changes to setups.   The scale comms setup is covered in the online help here.


Building General Grid and TL Selector Overlays 

General Grid and TL Selector Overlays are now built on the flow step maintenance form along with Charts. In addition to keeping all the function are definition in one place, we have made some other improvements as well. You can now see a preview of your grids while building them and also access the subroutine button mapping form directly from where you build the grids. Finally, we have also added the option to make the grid displays full screen so that more of the screen is available for the data in the grids.  


Licence Import

Prior to the release of TransLution V6.3 licences were imported using Configurator. With the release of TransLution 6.3 this has been moved to EazyTouch. Details can be found in the EazyTouch help file. 



SAGE 300 Integration

We have extended our integration to include Integration to SAGE300. Setting up the integration paramters is done using EazySetup while setting up the details of the posting data formats is done in Configurator as described here.



Android Form Changes

In an effort to make the Android forms easier to use and less language dependent we change the buttons for OK and Cancel to be a check mark and a cross. We have also removed the Finish button that did not appear consistently.


Android Buttons






Other Enhancements and Bug Fixes - Android

We have various other changes to improve both the implementation and end user experience

  • Added logging on the JobID on the Audit Trail of buttons clicked on the General Grid Overlay
  • Fixes to ensure button sizes adapt to different Android device screen sizes and resolutions
  • Extended support for South African Driver's Licence scanning to Honeywell devices

Other Enhancements and Bug Fixes - EazyTouch

  • Fixed issue where Subroutines buttons were showing even while subroutine was executing.
  • It is now possible to execute a subroutine with only one step (Applies to Android as well).


Other Enhancements and Bug Fixes

  • All TransLution Services now have a unique Event ID in the event log and also, only errors are logged unless all logging in enabled.
  • User Groups with no active users may now be deactivated  
  • The background processing service is now installed with an exe.config file so it can be configured without trying to run the service first 
  • Fixed issue with mapping on General Gird header subroutine calls
  • Option added to sequence columns on a post from table
  • Fixed extended lookups to work even if no WHERE clause exists.
  • Fixed issue so that a Subroutines with a media step as the last step now works.
  • The keydata field on the business object event table now supports XML data.
  • EazySetup shows the correct list of Query function subroutines based on the company selected.
  • It is no longer to move panels in EazySetup and endup in a position where you cannot view the required data 