Define a Print Step
A print step is used to Print an SSRS report on a selected printer. The report name is defined separately on the Report Definition form and on this form the user simply selects the report to print and then also maps steps to the report parameters.
Print Step Definition
The fields are described below:
Step Name - reference used when building the step and defining the step sequence. For a Print step it is recommended to use Print-ReportName as the step name.
Step Description - This is a more detailed description of the step if required.
Next Step - This is the step that the user will be taken to after the Print step has executed
Report Name - This is the name of the report. The printer to print to is not defined here because it may change depending on who is running the function and where they are using it. Report Printers are defined on the User and the Device setup forms.
Print Preview - With this option, users can preview a report before printing it. This is supported on EazyTouch for Windows and for Android
Map - This is where Steps are mapped to Report Parameters as shown below
Email Report - This option is used to email a report that was printed as a PDF document. The email setup is shown here. The details of setting up a print step to send emails are described here.
Report Parameter to Step Mapping
Printer Mapping - This is where you can map additional information such as the printer to use or the number of copies to Print. This greatly increases your flexibility since you can map these fields to either fixed values or to steps meaning that the report printer can be dependent on anything you choose rather than simply the user name or the device name
Mapping Printer options