Emailing Reports
You can choose to either send an email with an attached PDF or send an email only.
In addition to the normal Print Step settings, you also need to select the Email Template to use and also do the email mapping. Please note that you can select to preview a report before sending it via email.
Setting a Print Step to Email
Select the Email Template as defined here and then select to the your Email Mapping as described below.
Email Mapping
Set up the Email Mapping by defining the following fields:
From: Enter the email address that will appear as the sender. Ensure this is the email for which you’ve set up the app password. It is possible to Map this to a step value.
To: Add the email address of the primary recipient(s) you want to send the document to. Again, this can be mapped to a step value.
Subject: Enter the subject of the email which can also be mapped.