Release Notes TransLution V7.2 - Release Date - 30 Sep 2023

Release Summary

The main focus of this release was improving the build experience to speed up project implementations. There were also a number of enhancements made to Quality Manager.

Function Area Maintenance

The first significant change made to V7.2 was rebuilding the flow step maintenace form not only to modernise the interface but also to assist in speeding up building functions. It is now for example possible to open multiple functions at the same time, you can move parts of the form to another screen to view multiple items simultaneously and also an attempt has been made to show as much information on the main forms without requiring multiple forms to be opened. Some examples are shown here and here.

Mapping Business Object Outptuts

Another significant change has been allowing implementers to choose which output tag from a Business Object post to map for use in TransLution. This will make is significantly easier to retrieve the results of business posts such as GRN numbers, Journal Numbers, Invoice numbers or any other required output. The setup of this feature is very simple. The user has to specify the Output Result Tag they require and the rest is handled by TransLution. Details are described here

Quality Manager

There have also been some changes made to Quality Manager. The most significant change is that it is now possible to execute a Subroutine of the Save button on both Quality Manager overlays. Previously only VBP was supported. Another change request is that the four custom buttons that are available on the Geenral Grid and TL Selector Grid are now also supported on Quality Manager. Finally, we have add the option to link Quality Manager products to and ERP item code to assist with reporting. Some other fixes have also been made on Quality Manager to improve the end user experience.

Print Preview

Documents on a Print step can now be previewed by the user

SYSPRO Posting

Data logging on SYSPRO posts have been extended to include additional time values logged. We log when the process begins, when we start the logon to SYSPRO, when the logon is complete and the post begins and also when the post is complete and the logoff begins and finally when the process ends and the loggoff is complete.

Android Logging

Android logs data to a file when it cannot access the server. This should help with troubleshooting issues.

Other Enhancements and Bug Fixes

  • QM Test Method list reverting to first item when capturing Results (Both overlays, Android and EazyTouch)
  • UOM Maintance fixed to allow new Units of Measure to be added
  • Added option to QM to validate selected Test Method group using custom validation - Test Method Results capture and In Process Result Capture

  • Fixed issue with full screen overlays on EazyTouch
  • Fixed Issue with layouts having no rows
  • Device Profile issue on EazyTouch Weighing is fixed

  • Issue on Device Maintenance form fixed with 'Cannot Access a Disposed Object' Error
  • Device Area creation is now working

  • Fixed Issue with errors on hidden first steps on Android not showing the error message
  • Android losing focus on an error after a lookup step
  • Update Banner on Android for Quality Manager Test Method Group Selection
  • Android now shows the company the user is logged onto on the banner
  • Android Password Reset Issues fixed

  • Fixed error on Table posts with no <Item> tag in the XML
  • Extended Unattended Function Processing to include a 24hour clock
  • Standard validations have been extended to support mapping for synonyms
  • Removed Unattended functions from showing in Workflows
  • Added support for single quotes on Suggestion scripts