Release Notes V7.3
Release Notes TransLution V7.3 - Release Date - 10 Oct 2024
Release Summary
The main focus of this release was adding the ability to do file imports and also adding the option to email reports automatically from within TransLution. As always, we added various features to improve the usability of the product for implementers. This particulalry applies to the function configuration forms where we made them more consistent.
Emailing SSRS Reports
We have added a new option on a Print Step allowing reports to be emailed. The Email option is selected on the Print Step and you can separately define the email layout using all the standard TransLution mapping options.
File Imports
TransLution now supports the ability to import files into any database table. The import process is fully configurable allowing you to select the file types to import, the file structre (text or XML), the fields to import and most importantly the TransLution function to execute after the import is complete.
Consistent Function Definition
The forms to build end user functions are more consistent and all use the new interface which allows more than one function to be maintained at a time.
Quality Manager Enhancements
Quality Manager configuration has been made easier by moving the forms to build Quality Manager functions for results capture to the main Quality Manager menu, We have also added a new Result Type allowing users to select multiple options from a lookup and finally we have added the option to use a custom view to show additional data on the results capture forms.
Multi-Item Select
Web Master Data
With V7.3 we have introduced a Web based master data maintenance option. This means that users who need to maintain master data can do so without needing to install an application on their PC.
Web Master Data Maintenance
There have been a number of changes made to EazySetup in order to make the product more flexible and to make maintenance for super users easier
- SYSPRO Operator logons can now be tested against any company that you select
- Background Services can now be allocated to selected companies rather than acting against all companies
- We have simplified User Maintenance so that the Allow Multiple Logon and Auto Logoff options are now defined once per user rather than against every user company allocation
- We have added an additional Printer definition against a device allowing you to define a printer for example for barcode label printing
- We have added an Select All button to the device permission form to speed up allocation of functions/workflows to devices
- We have Added a button to Check permissions giving you an easy way to see if any device has no permissions allocated