This form is where the Syspro operators are created and maintained.

Syspro Operators

When defining Syspro Operators, the Operator Name and Password must match that in Syspro.

Pooled Operators: There is no setting for pooled operators. By default when a new operator is added it is a pooled operator unless it is selected as buffered or fixed. What it means to be a pooled operator is that when doing a post to Syspro, TransLution will look for the first available pooled operator that has access to the required functional area. Ideally all operators should be set up as pooled unless buffered posting is used. All pooled operators should also have access to all the functional areas in TransLution in order to make most effective use of the operators that are available.

Buffered Post Operator: All buffered posts are done using the same operator so if buffered posting is to be used, one operator MUST be selected as the buffered post operator. It is not permitted to have more than one buffered post operator, if this attempted the following error will be shown. The error is only shown on clicking Save. If the operator is selected as buffered then in Syspro, this operator MUST have access to all the functional areas that are in use on the site. In TransLution, the Buffered Post operator must have access to ALL functional areas even if they are not used. This is simply so that buffered posts do not fail due to someone forgetting to give the buffered post operator access to the functional area.


Operator error - Buffer


Fixed Operator: As explained above, by default, all TransLution posts will be done using the first available operator that has access to the required functional area for the post. If an operator is defined as fixed then that operator will not be available for use. Fixed operators will only be used for posting if the operator name is specifically selected on a post step. The general recommendation is not to use fixed operators unless there is a specific requirement for a post that takes a long time and you do not want to risk other posts being affected. If you mark an operator as fixed but do not select at least one step to use that operator then the operator is being wasted since it will never be used.