The TransLution settings form allows various EazyScan settings for Windows scanners to be set. The user can set them here for all companies that they have access to. Only Site Admin users have access to this form


EazyScan Settings

The Options on the LHS of the main form are for base barcode lengths on EazyScan scanners.

The Activity Timer Interval defines the auto logoff period for EazyScan devices. Auto logoff for EazyTouch and Android are defined per device. 

Query Stored Procedure - The TransLution Query Function is supported by EazyScan, EazyTouch and Android. It works in a similar fashion on all devices. The concept behind this feature is that it allows users to scan a barcode independently of the current scanner process in order to find out some information about the scanned data.


Say for example, the user is doing a putaway function and finds an unidentified label lying on the ground. He can use the query function to find our something about the label. This function requires a stored procedure to be built that is site specific in order to be able to provide valid data for scanned barcodes.


The stored procedure will be passed one parameter - the scanned barcode and will return a message in the same way as a standard validation stored procedure. The aim of this function is simply to return a message.

Query stored procedure


Once the stored procedure has been built, the setup and use of this function is quite simple. Use the TransLution Settings tab on EazySetup to specify the stored procedure name and that is all that is required.



Use Scanner Input Option specifies if the selected company will be required to support steps with scanner inputs only.

The other options are legacy options for base barcode lengths on EazyScan scanners.