EazySetup - Device Area

It is possible to define optional areas and then to link devices to these areas. In an implementation with a large number of devices this feature can be used as an additional way to group devices. When copying device permissions you can filter by device area so if there are 10 devices in receiving and 10 in Dispatch for example, if you define those two device areas, it is very easy to copy permissions to all the devices in one area without requiring the device names to be similar


Scanner Area Definition

Once the device areas have been defined, when adding a device you can link it to an area as below



Linking scanner to an area

Then, when copying device permissions, you can filter devices by area as shown below

Scanner Permission Copy

While this feature may be very useful when there are a large number of devices there are many times when it is not required. Using Areas is optional and there is no need to define areas or to link devices to an area if not required.