The major change when upgrading from Versions 5.1, 5.2 or 5.3 relate to changes to the ERP service.

Version 5.4 also saw the introduction of EazySetup to manage user and company information rather than the previous Site and User Maintenance applications which you would have used with earlier versions. EazySetup is also used to manage database Upgrades meaning that you can uninstall Site Maintenance, User Maintenance and the Upgrade Utility and replace them all with a single install - EazySetup as described in the V6 upgrade section here.

Once you have installed EazySetup, follow the steps below to ensure comms to Syspro is unaffected by your upgrade.

Buffered Posting:

Please note that from V54 the Buffered Post table logs both the TransLution Company to post from and the Syspro company to post to. These fields are newly added to the Buffer Post table and it is strongly recommended that all failed posts are dealt with before an upgrade since reposting will not work without the new fields.

Post from Table:

If you are using a Post from table option then when upgrading from any version before 5.4, please add the BUSINESS_OBJECT_EVENT_ID (INT), ProcessDate (Datetime) and Response (varchar250) as columns to all the tables that you use for posting. We have improved the audit trail, but it does require this change to be made. These changes are not core TransLution tables meaning that the changes cannot be made by the product.

SYSPRO ERP Changes Specific to Upgrades Prior to V5.4:

If you are upgrading from any version of TransLution prior to V5.4 you will need to review your Syspro Settings. Firstly, the old ERP Service has been replaced with the WCF ERP Service.

You will be required to uninstall the ERP Service and install the WCF ERP Service. 

You will also need to view the ERP Settings in EazySetup to ensure that they are correct. Select the Syspro Settings option under Integration Settings and confirm that the Syspro and TransLution settings are correct. 


In addition to the Syspro settings being defined outside of Configurator as they were prior to the release of 5.4, TransLution also uses Syspro operators differently. Instead of a single operator for Sales Order posts, another for Inventory etc, we introduced the concept of pooled operators. When doing live posting, TransLution will find the first available operator and use that for posting. This serves to make TransLution more scalabale. It also means that when upgrading to V7.0 (or any version after V5.4) you are required to check the Syspro Operators tab in EazySetup and give all operators access to all functional areas that you are using. It no longer makes sense to give operators names related to a specific functional area but there is no requirement to rename Syspro operators. They must just all be given acess are shown below.