TransLution supports the ability to define Sites with multiple companies per site. We can then define shared users across sites who have access to one or more companies on the customer site. This is done using the Eazy Setup application which  has it's own on line help. This means it is possible to give a user access to User Maintenance without requiring them to run the whole TransLution Configurator application.


EazySetup allows us to define new companies and users along with allocation users to user groups. Linking specific scanner permissions is still done in TransLution Configurator. User permissions for Workflows and function Areas are described below


Introduction to Workflow

Defining Workflows

Defining Workflow and Function Area Permissions

Sequencing Workflows and Function Areas


In addition to managing users from the TransLution Client, TransLution also has various mechanisms to allow users to manage their own passwords on the EazyScan and EazyTouch devices. We have the option to define a user password and force users to change their password at first logon. We also support the option not to allow users to change their passwords to allow for cases where user cards with pre-printed barcodes are used. We support a minimum barcode length as well.


Finally, we also allow users who do not have admin access to reset passwords. This is a specific requirement for scanning environments when a night shift user may have forgotten their password and he needs the supervisor who is not an administrator and does not even have access to a client machine to reset the password. This is described here: Allowing Supervisors to Reset Passwords