The release of TransLution 3.5 saw the release of multi-language support for scanner and touch screen users. This is specifically NOT multi-lingual support in the traditional sense where the software language can be selected and the user can then use the selected language. All the TransLution configuration is still done in English but what we have done is allowed for operator information on the scanner and touch screen to be displayed in any one of up to five languages - based on the language defined as the operator default language.


In other words, all the configurable text - function area names, scanner prompt sequence text and workflow names will be displayed based on the user default language. It is possible to use the same logic to make all stored procedure messages also show in the operator language of choice but this is dependent on the implementation.


The configuration is done using a combination of Master File configuration to define the languages and the messages in each language and then using a changed configuration mechanism for Workflows, Function Areas and Scanner Prompt maintenance.


Once the setup is defined, the appropriate message has to be selected in the first language for each of Function Area, Workflow and Scanner Prompt definition forms. The system will then automatically display the message in language 1-5 based on the user default language. This is covered in the Language Configuration portion of the on line help.


Versions of TransLution from before version 3.5 can use the Convert Description to Language utility to create all the descriptions for function areas, workflows and scanner prompts as the first language message.