Function areas are the way in which users interact with TransLution. Each button that a user sees on Windows or Android form is a function area. The standard scanner functions which allow users to enter data one step at a time can be maintained using the Function Area Maintenance forms which are described in this section.


The images below show the Function Area Maintenance form and how to access the form - select Function Area Maintenance.



Menu Access for Function Area Maintenance



Function Area Maintenance Form


The Function Area Maintenance form has various panels as shown above and each panel will be described separately.


The panel on the RHS is the list of functions - Building Function Areas using Step Maintenance

To the right of that panel you see the list of steps in the selected function - Building Steps and Choosing Step Types

Below you see the step/s you have selected - Defining Step Actions and Validations


There is also an option to sequence steps in the grid covered here