Function areas are the way in which users interact with TransLution. Each button that a user sees on a TransLution Device - EazyTouch for Windows or Android, is a function area. There are different types of function areas. The first type are 'Step' or 'Input' based function areas which allow users to proceed one step at a time through a data capture process. There are also Grid functions where users view data in a grid format and have the option to interact with the data. We also have forms to caputre Quality data. 

The maintenance for the functions is currently done in different places. The step functions far capturing data using a scanner, keyboard or scale are defined on a new Function Area Maintenance released in V7.2 as shown below. Instructions on using the form can be found on the Building Step Function Areas forms.



Menu Access for Function Area Maintenance


The second type of function areas are various overlays that present data in grids or views.



These overlays are currently maintanted on the Classic Function Area Maintenance form as shown below. Using these forms is covered in the Overlay Functions section of the on line help.


Menu Access for Function Area Overlay Maintenance