STX and ETX Data
Once you can see data coming from the scale, you know that the scale is properly connected and all that remains is configuring the data that you're reading to make sure that the correct values are being read into TransLution. Select Clear data to reset the screen to look like below.
Main Scale Setup form - no scale data.
Now select to open the port and once you see some data, close the port giving you a screen long the one below.
Select the STX and ETX tab to see the form below.
STX and ETX tab prior to configuration
Ensure that your scroll bar is at the top for both Parsed Data and Hex Data so that you're looking at the start of the incoming data.
STX means start of transmission and ETX is end of transmission. So really what this means is that when a new weight is put on the scale, there is constant string of data sent from the scale to the EazyTouch client. We have to tell EazyTouch what characters represent the start of the data we're interested in and which characters represent the end of that data string. The process below describes how to do that.
In the example above Parsed data begins with R0000000 and Hex Data begins with 52 30 30 30 30. These two sets of data represent the same information so if you copy the two strings of data and put them above each other you will see something like this.
Parsed and Hex data overlayed
We receive Hex Data from the scale which we need to convert into something human readable. Each two hex digits represent one ASCIIcharacter (e.g. 52 = R). It is worth doing this execrise with something on the scale so that you have a weight to look for and not a set of zeros. In this case 3.06 kg. We then know to look for characters before and after the data we want to read from the scale as shown below.
Deciding what data we require
Enter this data as shown below and click on save to save these settings.
STX and ETX data entered
Now that you have defined ETX and STX, select to Open the port, wait a few seconds until you see data and Close the port. You should see something like this.
Reading Scale Data
If you see data with a scale weight you are very nearly done. The only step remaining is to ensure that the weight you're reading is a numeric value only so that it can be used for validations and calculations if required. This is done by setting up the scale profile.