Adding Views to EazyQuery
You will now be able to use EazyQuery.
Click on the EazyQuery Icon to see the screen below
Login with the details and select the company you want to log into.
We have covered General Config and Validate Setup above, this section of the help goes through each of the remaining options on the EazyQuery Configuration menu. We will start by adding Queries.
The Loaded Queries is the main option used to add new queries to EazyQuery. The steps below assume that a SQL View has already been created to use as the source of data for the query.
We strongly recommend using a naming convention that is consistent for all EazyQuery views. The preferred convention is the one below
If you will have a large number of queries you can group them by using a grouping prefix. For Example:
vw_EQ_SOLoad_LoadList and vw_EQ_SOLoaod_LoadDetails
Each time a new query is built, it has to be added to EazyQuery and then the appropriate user groups have to be given access to the query. This is a two step process with one step done in EazyQuery and the other in EazySetup.